iRevo Smart PC
Bring PC performance to your TV at a fraction of the cost. View or create documents, spreadsheets and presentations; enjoy web browsing, catch up with email, Skype with family and friends, or play your favorite Android games. Powered by the innovative iRevo WebTop, you get the best of both worlds: superior performance with an easy to use interface for both the novice and professional.
Featuring a Quad Core processor and powered by Android, the performance of the Smart PC rivals that of entry level PCs. The innovative WebTop user interface makes it easy to create documents, spreadsheets and presentations; enjoy web browsing and catch up with email.
The Smart PC includes a wireless keyboard and mouse, which makes it easy to interact with the Smart PC from a distance. The Smart PC comes in two models — model QC1 B08 has 8Gb of storage and model QC1 B16 has 16Gb of storage.